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Showing posts from January, 2018

Tokyo in January

Riding our go-karts on Ginza street I went to Tokyo again, I think I will be going a lot... There is just so much to see and do, and EAT! ( I am 3 hours away on bullet train, 1 hour away by plane, or 10 hours away if I drive)I have been extremely busy and super cold ( Like what I imagine it is like being at The Wall in Game of Thrones ) so I have not been motivated to do much outside of trying to keep warm ( I live in a newer apartment complex and the insulation is up about insulation in Japan. It blows my mind. And while you are at that read about heating sources...also interesting...sigh) I hate being cold!!!! .....Sob story over. Anyway on to Tokyo. So this last time I went I spent 4 days in Tokyo. I also went with Akira which was a grand blast! We did the Mario Kart rental and drove all over Tokyo streets! It was AMAZING! I cannot recommend this enough! It as unbelievable, I mean where else in the world can you ride an actual go-kart on real streets? lik...

Christmas and New Year's in Japan

Saishoin Temple in Hirosaki on NYE. I have never spent Christmas or New Years outside of Mexico and the USA, this was the first time I spent it away from family ( I mean Akira joined for New Year's does he count as fam? no se.) Let's start with Christmas, it has always been one of my favorite holidays. Christmas time is always warm and just all-around full of good vibes, family and happiness. I guess that is where "tis the season" comes from. This 2017 Christmas was so different for me. It is not a national holiday in Japan so people still work. Although it is not a recognized national holiday all the stores sell candy and Christmas themed everything! Some people have also told me it is more of a romantic holiday if anything were couples do couple stuff. I guess the "American" media always wraps some love story around Christmas time in movies. An interesting fact is that in Japan people have KFC for Christmas dinner! They order their Kentucky Fri...