Riding our go-karts on Ginza street I went to Tokyo again, I think I will be going a lot... There is just so much to see and do, and EAT! ( I am 3 hours away on bullet train, 1 hour away by plane, or 10 hours away if I drive)I have been extremely busy and super cold ( Like what I imagine it is like being at The Wall in Game of Thrones ) so I have not been motivated to do much outside of trying to keep warm ( I live in a newer apartment complex and the insulation is horrible....read up about insulation in Japan. It blows my mind. And while you are at that read about heating sources...also interesting...sigh) I hate being cold!!!! .....Sob story over. Anyway on to Tokyo. So this last time I went I spent 4 days in Tokyo. I also went with Akira which was a grand blast! We did the Mario Kart rental and drove all over Tokyo streets! It was AMAZING! I cannot recommend this enough! It as unbelievable, I mean where else in the world can you ride an actual go-kart on real streets? lik...