Hi, Well I have been lagging on the blog posts because I have been enjoying my time here! Today I had a day for me, myself and I. I tend to have a lot of those. I love to be inspired and I really enjoy life and all it has to offer! Some of you that are very close and dear to me know that winter term was horrible for me, honestly I can say one of the worst times of my life, if not the worst!.The good thing thought is that I learned a lot about myself, which is very good and in the long run no permanent damage happened just simple life learning :) I am so so fortunate and want to thank all my friends and family and remind you that I love you, with out you I would not be where I am today and doing the things I dream to do! I am currently enjoying India, and I am soo so happy I came! I love love love doing community service and working as a Public Health student, and I am doing exactly that here as well as learning about myself along the way! (as I always do anytime I travel anywhere ...